How Our 3D Office Add-in Products Could Work For You?

ThreeDify offers a suite of 3D add-in tools for Microsoft Office. These tools are specifically designed for two categories of Microsoft Office users:

  • users who want to turn their Excel data into 3D graphs, CAD objects or equations, and
  • users who want to augment their Word documents, Excel worksheets or PowerPoint presentations with external CAD models.

For the first category, we offer XLGrapher, XLCurvFit and XLSurfFit addin family and for the second category, we offer ThreeDify 3Doffice.

In addition to the addins, we also offer a light-weight modeling, markup and CAD file viewing program, ThreeDify Designer, that features several high-end editing tools that can be found only in some expensive CAD programs that easily cost over 20 times as much.

We encourage you to download trials of ThreeDify Excel Grapher (AsdGraph3D), 3Doffice and Designer. The trial period for each product is different. After the free trial period expires, you can still continue to use the product, but the functionality will be reduced to that of a free 3D viewer. In addition, your 3D plotting results can be shared globally and opened anywhere in the world at no cost to the viewers. All they need to do is just install the free viewer.

To compare the the full and “Free Viewer” versions of a particular products, simply visit the Feature List page for that product.


XLGrapher, aka, Excel Grapher is an innovative 3D/4D graphing/charting and CAD objection creation tool deployed as an add-in for Microsoft Excel®.


XLCurvFit is a Microsoft Excel Addin that employs a generic algorithm to automatically determine the best-fit curve for your data sets in Microsoft Excel®.


XLSurfFit is XLGrapher with a powerful 3D equation fitter that automatically determines the best-fit surface for your data sets in Microsoft Excel.


3Doffice (aka ThreeDify Office Designer) is a transformative new tool deployed as a Microsoft Office add-on,that modernizes the way users collaborate and communicate in 3D.