XLCurvFit - Discover the Best Curve Fitting Equation to Model Any 2D Data in Excel
Deployed as an add-in for Microsoft Excel, ThreeDify XLCurvFit (XLCurvFit) makes fitting curve equations to any 2D data as easy as highlighting a range of cells within Excel worksheet. XLCurvFit’s built-in library includes a wide range of linear and non-linear curve equations. There are over 5300 out-of-the-box models that are classified into 19 equation families with support for combined equations (i.e., polyfunctions). With a few mouse clicks, XLCurvFit gives engineers and researchers the power to automatically fit thousands of equations within Microsoft Excel, extract the ideal model from their experimental data, and graphically review the fitting results. XLCurvFit saves engineers and researchers precious time by taking the endless trial and error out of curve fitting.
Key Features
- Auto-fit thousands of curve equations to the selected data, discover the best equation to model the data and graphically review the fitting results;
- Auto-fit thousands of curve equations to the selected data, discover the best equation to model the data and graphically review the fitting results;
- Auto-fit thousands of curve equations to the selected data, discover the best equation to model the data and graphically review the fitting results;
- Include over 5300 2D built-in curve equations that are divided into 19 equation families with support for combined equations (i.e., poly-functions);
- Supported built-in equation families include: BioScience, BurkardCollectionBased, Engineering, Exponential, FourierSeries, LegendrePolynomial, Logarithmic, NIST, Optical, Peak, Polyfunctional, Polynomial, Power, Rational, Sigmoidal, Simple, Trigonometric, YieldDensity and Miscellaneous;
- Ability to fit any user-defined 2D (curve) equations to your specified data set;
- Compares models using meaningful numeric information. Data, statistical and precision summaries are available so you can further analyse the fitting results;
- Works with Excel 2000 and all later Excel Versions.